Business Challenge

Large companies and corporations often have many individual systems in which they store produce and manage data. Even material data is developed, used and stored in various fields. Often no transparent data exchange takes place between people in one department as well as between people of several departments. Too often, information and experiences are lost, because data is inaccessible or untraceable for other colleagues. Word-of-mouth and meeting updates are too time-consuming and unreliable over time.


Based on information systems, WIAM® helps to store structured and categorised material data and related information, such as metals, plastics and fibre composites; and to make it available to other people. Using transparent data maintenance & management processes, data is stored with version history and made accessible to various user groups through flexible approval processes.

In addition, data can be compared by table view and or visualised in diagrams and graphs, using in-house as well as industry standards. Simple search facilities across different search fields and characteristic values allow a quick location of any information within the database.

Material comparisons and special evaluations enable fast and user-friendly analysis of data for engineers, managers, buyers and others.


Using WIAM® information systems, the exchange of data between people, departments and various external service providers is improved. The company saves time and money as data is easily located and no tests have to be repeated. Different users are given diverse privileges within the system. As a consequence, the system ensures that not every user can see and edit all data whether material, collections and values. Using Single Sign On, Windows Kerberos, Active Directory and other services, the application is available within the company’s intranet in a variety of browsers, e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google® Chrome.


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